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 二极管Diodes (14264)
 三极管Bipolar Junction Transistors(BJT) (10359)
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 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke (5942)
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 三极管Bipolar Junction Transistors(BJT (2)
 三极管 (1)
 型号:  ACM4532-801-2P-T001
 厂家:  TDK
 封装:  4532-801
 批号:  05+
 库存数量:  0
 所属分类:  电感Inductor/Coil/Choke
  共模电感Common Mode Choke
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ACM4532-801-2P-T001  的参数

线路数 Number of Lines 2
电感值 Inductance
电流 Current 1000mA
电阻DCR DC Resistance (DCR) 10R
阻抗 Impedance 100R
Description & Applications FEATURES ? A chip-type common mode filter for large current applications. Common mode impedance surpasses 300 to 1000? at 100MHz. Noise is greatly suppressed. ? Capable of handling the highest current (up to 10A) of any chiptype common mode filter. ? Height and size have been considered, resulting in a compact and light-weight choke coil. Applicable for the miniaturization required to reduce the size and weight of portable equipment. ? The products contain no lead and also support lead-free soldering. ? This product does not contain regulated substances that are slated to be included in RoHS. APPLICATIONS Used for power line noise suppression for any electronic devices Used to counter adapter/battery line noise for relatively large electronic devices such as notebook PCs, stand-alone word processors, etc
描述与应用 特点 ?大电流应用的芯片型共模滤波器。 共模阻抗超过300?1000Ω在100MHz。 噪音被大大抑制。 ?能够处理最高电流(高达10A)的任何芯片类型的共模滤波器。 ?高度和大小已被考虑,从而实现紧凑 ,重量轻的扼流线圈。适用于小型化的 降低便携式设备的尺寸和重量的需要。 ?该产品不含有铅和支持无铅 焊接。 ?本产品不含有受管制物质, 预计被列入限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范。 应用 使用任何电子设备的电源线噪声抑制 用来对付适配器/电池线路噪声比较大的电子设备
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型号 标记/丝印/代码 厂家 批号 封装 数量 描述 详细资料
ACM4532-102-3P TDK 05+ 4532-102 0 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke-共模电感Common Mode Choke 查看
ACM4532-102-3P TDK 05+ 4532-102 0 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke-共模电感Common Mode Choke 查看
ACM4532-601-2P-T001 TDK 13+rohs 4532-601 8900 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke-共模电感Common Mode Choke 查看
ACM4532-701-3P TDK 05+ 4532-700R 0 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke-共模电感Common Mode Choke 查看
ACM4532-801-2P-T001 TDK 14+rohs 4532-800R 0 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke-共模电感Common Mode Choke 查看
ACM4532-801-2P-T001 TDK 05+ 4532-801 0 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke-共模电感Common Mode Choke 查看
ACM4532-801-2P-T TDK 05+ 4532-801 50 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke-共模电感Common Mode Choke 查看
ACM4532-801-3P-T001 TDK 05 4532-801 0 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke-共模电感Common Mode Choke 查看
ACM4532-600-T001 TDK 05+ 4532-600 0 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke-共模电感Common Mode Choke 查看
ACM4532-701-3P-T001 TDK 05+ 4532-701 100 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke-共模电感Common Mode Choke 查看
ACM4532-600-T001 TDK 05+ 4532-600 1000 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke 查看


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