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热门查询: B0540WS KDV147 MMSZ5258A CM KIC7SZ125FU 2SC5702ZS-01ATR 1303 FZDX UDZV MMBT2907AT-7 sot-886 XSON-6 to-126 SB1 TF202-4-TL NJM3414 NJM3404 DTD143E NJU7704F06A 2SK360IG
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 二极管Diodes (14264)
 三极管Bipolar Junction Transistors(BJT) (10359)
 场效应管FET (3757)
 电阻Resistor (4413)
 电源管理ICPower Management IC/PMIC (7298)
 集成电路ICIntegrated Circuit(IC) (3418)
 电感Inductor/Coil/Choke (5942)
 电容Capacitor (1615)
 磁珠Ferrite Bead (1041)
 晶振滤波Crystal Oscillator and Filter (1402)
 未分类 (1992)
 保险管FUSE (978)
 晶优晶振 (171)
 测试点Test Point (86)
 标记 (454)
 连接器 (39)
 可控硅/晶闸管Triac/Thyristor,SCR (226)
 衰减器Attenuator (19)
 电阻 (5)
 晶振 (6)
 晶振滤波 (8)
 光电器件Optoelectronic (51)
 集成收发器 (1)
 编码器Switch (61)
 极管Diodes (1)
 磁珠Ferrite (2)
 测试点 (3)
 片式天线 (14)
 集成电 (1)
 场效应管 (1)
 模块 (1)
 电源管理IC (1)
 三极管Bipolar Junction Transistors(BJT (2)
 三极管 (1)
 型号:  NX3225DA-27MHZ
 标记/丝印/代码/打字:  27MHZ
 厂家:  NIHON
 封装:  3225-27MHZ
 批号:  05+
 库存数量:  400
 所属分类:  晶振滤波Crystal Oscillator and Filter
  晶振Crystal Oscillator
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NX3225DA-27MHZ 27MHZ 的参数

标准频率 Frequency 27.000MHz
频率容差(ppm) Frequency Tolerance ±15ppm
频率稳定性(ppm) Frequency Stability ±15ppm
负载电容 Load Capacitance 8pF
串联电阻ESR ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) 100Ω
震荡模式 Operating Mode Fundamental
频率老化 Ageing
Description & Applications SURFACE MOUNT TYPE CRYSTAL UNITS / NX3225DA This is ultra small surface mount type crystal unit. Features Ultra compact, thin and light weight (3.2 × 2.5 × 0.6 mm typ., 17mg typ.). Excellent heat resistance and environmental characteristics. Excellent electric performance optimum for OA (office automation), AV (audio & visual) and Bluetooth applications are exhibited. Products that are lead-free. These can meet the requirements of re-flow profiling using lead-free solder.
描述与应用 表面贴装型晶体单元/ NX3225DA的 这是超小型表面贴装型晶体单元。 特点 超小型,超薄,重量轻(3.2×2.5×0.6毫米(典型值),为17mg,典型值)。 优良的耐热性和环保特性。 优良的电性能最佳的OA(办公自动化),??AV(视听)和蓝牙应用的展出。 无铅产品。这些能满足要求使用无铅焊料再流分析。
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型号 标记/丝印/代码 厂家 批号 封装 数量 描述 详细资料
NX3225DA-18.87MHZ 18.87MHZ NIHON 05+ 3225-18.87MHZ 20 晶振滤波Crystal Oscillator and Filter-晶振Crystal Oscillator-晶体Crystal 查看
NX3225DA-27MHZ 27MHZ NIHON 05+ 3225-27MHZ 400 晶振滤波Crystal Oscillator and Filter-晶振Crystal Oscillator-晶体Crystal 查看
NX3225DA-16MHZ 16.000MHZ NIHON 05+ 3225-16MHZ 20 晶振滤波Crystal Oscillator and Filter-晶振Crystal Oscillator-晶体Crystal 查看
NX3225GA-32.000MHZ 32.000MHZ NIHON 05+ 3225-32MHZ 40 晶振滤波Crystal Oscillator and Filter-晶振Crystal Oscillator-晶体Crystal 查看
NX3225SA-26.000M-STD-CSQ-1 CHINA 10+ 3225 0 晶振滤波Crystal Oscillator and Filter-晶振Crystal Oscillator-晶体Crystal 查看
NX3225GA-48MHZ NIHON 05+ 3225 50 晶振滤波Crystal Oscillator and Filter-晶振Crystal Oscillator-晶体Crystal 查看


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